Looking back on a wild year
Like everyone, we’re eager to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror. It’s been a crazy year of disruptions—with plant closings, reshuffled pickups, carrier bankruptcies, driver shortages, and more.
How will ‘Shipageddon’ impact trucking?
Delays and bottlenecks won’t be limited to parcel deliveries. Ports are jammed with imports. As businesses try to stock up for earlier holiday sales and new home construction, maximum levels of freight will require trucking from the ports and warehouses to destinations across the country.
America is on a restocking binge!
According to the American Shipper story, the restocking boom has tremendous implications for all facets of the transportation business.
What we’re doing for our communities
Because transporting food is a major part of AJC Group’s business, we make food a key part of AJC Cares outreach programs, too. Every year, with help from our vendors, we supply over 80,000 pounds of proteins to feed 6,000 children at the Children Restoration Network’s 143 shelters. And AJC has joined with global companies like PepsiCo, Tyson and Starbucks to support Feed the Children’s worldwide activities.